Boswellia Extract Powder (High Strength 85% Boswellic Acids)
Boswellia Serrata Extract Powder
High Strength Extract 85% Boswellic Acids
Also Known as Indian Frankincense
Traditionally Used in Ayurveda
About Boswellia
The boswellia serrata tree is a deciduous tree that grows from moderate to large size and whose extract is processed to obtain boswellia powder. Some of the terms used to refer to the tree include Indian frankincense, Indian olibanum, boswellin, salakhi and guggal, among others. The resin obtained from the tree is considered a non-timber product. The resin is largely soluble in alcohol solvents. It is rich in aromatic volatile oils hence the term frankincense. The resin is stored in ducts that are located at the trunk and bark of the boswellia tree. Cuts are made on these parts of the tree which seeps resin which is later ground into powder. While harvesting, the resin presents itself in the form of a white juice that resembles milk. The resin hardens into solid matter soon after it comes into contact with air.
The boswellia tree thrives in tropical climate where other deciduous trees also grow. It grows well in fertile well-drained soils. However, it can still grow in dry soil conditions. Normally, the tree grows on rocky, slopy grounds and ridges. However, it will still grow even on flat terrain. During harvesting, the oleo gum-resin is dried and cured in bamboo baskets to get rid of the volatile oils. Drying also helps in solidifying the resin. The residue is left to dry in the baskets for about a month during which all the fluid flows out leaving out the tear-shaped residue. The residue is then ground into powder through mechanical means. The boswellia tree has to achieve ample girth for the best resin to be obtained; this takes between 8-10 years. The tree grows efficiently in temperatures between 1-50°C.
The boswellia serrata tree has a history of use that spans over thousands of years. The resin from the tree was and is still popular among the Indians, Chinese, Jews, Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and Persians. It served as a fragrance in various religious festivities and celebrations. Funny enough, due to its popularity some people even think that Indian frankincense was the actual frankincense that was mentioned in various religious texts, including the bible. Also, these groups of people used the resin in embalming corpses of their loved ones. The belief was that once the resin came into contact with fire, the by-products of the process I.e., smoke and fragrance, went a long way in pleasing the gods. Also, they would act as reprieve and bring about calmness to the rested souls. The resin from the plant was also used quite often as a remedy once individuals had been involved in hemlock poisoning. They ingested powder from the resin immediately they had come into contact with the highly poisonous and health-threatening plant. In some regions especially the tropics and sub-tropics, the frankincense was burnt as it acted as a repellant against mosquitoes and other insects. Also, there are people who chewed the succulent bark of the tree as they believed that it quenched their thirst, especially when they didn’t have access to water.
- Please note it is against MHRA guidelines for us to talk about any potential health benefits for this supplement however a quick google search on the potential benefits and you may be surprised.
How To use
500mg (1/2 level teaspoon) once or twice a day, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner, can be taken with hot or cold water, in warm milk with honey, in juices or smoothies, or directly with honey.
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Typo in dose description
I think the dose should be 5 mg, not 500mg? ( see above)..probably a typo error.

Effective for managing my IBD (Crohn's Disease) alongside diet
Pretty great. There are some smaller research studies into the use of Boswellia 1200mg three times a day for inflammatory bowel disease. I have to say this has worked wonders for me alongside my existing whole foods plant based diet that is also gluten, yeast, alcohol and caffeine free. I opted for buying large bags and then bought capsules and a pill making kit from Amazon. The powder has a very strong taste so my husband and I make up the capsules ourselves (to save money rather than buying pre-made. I like this product because it does not have any additives / preservatives unlike others that are on Amazon (which would cause problems for someone with my condition). The seller has been great as once I accidentally ordered the pre-made capsules and because I had not opened them he allowed me to return and switch them for the powder. On another occasion I ordered a big batch of powder and one of the bags of powder smelt off (it smelt different to normal and not great). I emailed the seller and he allowed me to send the bag back and he exchanged it for a new bag which was as normal and smelt fine.

Very good but strong
Not sure of the benefits as yet as i need to get use to it, its very strong so only a little is needed, made me feel a bit sick at first, im sure it will be great

Prefer the capsules
Very fine powder, so went everywhere on opening and needs to be handled slowly when using. It doesn’t dissolve well in some liquids so I personally couldn't get on with this like I can in the excellent capsule form sold by this company. Not a very pleasant taste either.